ProcureCon Connect USA 2025

June 09 - 10, 2025

Rancho Bernardo Inn, San Diego, CA

Chris Bussey

AVP & Sr. Director, Enterprise Procurement Operations, Programs & Analytics Liberty Mutual

Day 1: Transforming Your Procurement Organization

5:10 PM PRESENTATION: Building And Rethinking Your Talent Pipeline and Development Plan In An Age of Automation and Outsourcing

How are procurement organizations redefining their teams? With any transactional activities being taken on by automation, and outsourcing, it is essential to understand stepping stone positions and critical skills your team needs to succeed. 


  • Identifying your technology needs first to understand if you need to pursue implementing a comprehensive software suite (versus piece meal of best-in-breed solutions)  
  • Developing close relationships with internal business units to ensure sourcing is personalized, with room for continuous improvement  
  • Aligning your department with the organization’s overall critical priorities to act on low hanging fruit and demonstrate immediate value  

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Chris.

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